Mini hurdles set (small) - training aid 

A training aid set (small) with the focus: mini hurdles. The set includes items required for an innovative hurdle training. With it, you can set up numerous parcours and tasks with mini hurdles. This training aid set helps you to make your daily training varied and effective. Your next training will be successful, guaranteed. Some German professional clubs already work with our training materials!


Contents of the set:

  • 10x perforated cones, red - height: 38 cm
  • 5x hurdle poles - length: 1 m
  • 6x flex mini hurdles, height: 15 cm
  • 6x flex mini hurdles, height: 23 cm
  • T-PRO return hurdles mini - height 20 cm
  • T-PRO return hurdles mini - height 25 cm
  • T-PRO return hurdles mini - height 30 cm
  • T-PRO return hurdles mini - height 35 cm
  • Carrying handle for hurdles (hurdle carrier)
  • Training card set - "Training with mini hurdles"

Good luck with your training!


Hergestellt für: Trainingsunterlagen24 GmbH
Geschäftsführer Daniel und Sascha Mathiebe
Ramstedter Str. 24
39326 Zielitz

Mini hurdles set (small) - training aid

quality training aid set (small) - mini hurdles

Item number 2760

EUR 119.90 *
Content 1 kit
Unit price EUR 119.90 / kit
available immediately
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