Mini pylons - set of 10 hurdles

You will receive a hurdle set consisting of 20 mini pylons (mini marker cone) and 10 hurdles (1 m long). The mini pylons in trendy colours (10x red and 10x yellow each) are made of very resilient plastic and are there- fore almost "indestructible". You can step on them, without breaking the pylons i.e. they are very flexible. The mini pylons are equipped with grooves and can therefore be quickly combined with the 10 hurdle poles (1m long, color: yellow) to form a mini hurdle system. This hurdle system is ideal for the co-ordination, sprint, jump and agility training. The hurdles are perfect for building a course and are suitable for all ages. The matching bag, carrying holder and training exercises can also be purchased in our shop.With this system train already teams from the world of professional sports!

20 mini pylons:

  • 10 x red and 10 x yellow
  • Height: 10 cm
  • Diameter: 13,5 cm
  • Material: robust plastic
  • Very resilient
  • Versatile in use
  • High-quality

10 hurdles:

  • Length: 1 m
  • Diameter: 2,5 cm
  • Color: yellow
  • very resilient

Lots of success with your training!



Hergestellt für: Trainingsunterlagen24 GmbH
Geschäftsführer Daniel und Sascha Mathiebe
Ramstedter Str. 24
39326 Zielitz

Mini pylons - set of 10 hurdles

20 mini pylons + 10 hurdles in set - top quality

Item number 2103

EUR 31.90 *
Content 1 set
Unit price EUR 31.90 / set
available immediately
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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

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