You get a high quality and stable medical case incl. content. The aluminum case with the dimensions 41 x 25 x 12 cm is lockable and provides enough space for all medical requirements. Other interesting products can be found in our shop. Coaches from the professional sector also work with our products.

Content of medical case:

  • 1x ice spray 2.0, Professional quality 300ml,
  • 1x Sporttape (3.8 cm x 10 m),
  • 1x First aid kit - Mini (12-piece, including scissors),
  • 2x ice pack - Instant cooling compress 13 x 21 cm,
  • 1x hot and cold compress (multiple compress) 10 x 15 cm,
  • 1x hot and cold compress (multiple compress) 12 x 25 cm,
  • 1x Sport Lavit - Sportgel (cooling gel) 100 ml,
  • 1x Sport Lavit - Sports oil Active (warm oil) 200 ml 
  • 1x bandage (self-adhesive) 5 cm x 4.5 m - Color: white
  • 1x bandage (self-adhesive) 7.5 cm x 4.5 m - Color: white
  • 1x cooling towel (cooling towel) 100x30 cm - Color: blue


You will receive a detailed invoice for every purchase!

Much success in treating!


Hergestellt für: Trainingsunterlagen24 GmbH
Geschäftsführer Daniel und Sascha Mathiebe
Ramstedter Str. 24
39326 Zielitz

Football First Aid supplies - aluminium (filled)

High quality and solid medical case including content

Item number 1447

EUR 69.90 *
Content 1 piece
Unit price EUR 69.90 / piece
available immediately
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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

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