Football tennis equipment - large

You get a modern and large football tennis equipment for optimum technical and ball control training. The net has a length of up to 9 m and a height of up to 1.20 m. The set includes both the net and all rods and brackets (the ball is not included). The tennis equipment set is very stable and resistant and also weather-resistant. It is perfectly possible with this equipment to let 2 men teams play against each other. Of course can you also find other football tennis equipment in our online shop. Coaches from professional football also work with our products.


Product features:

  • Complete football tennis equipment
  • Format: Large
  • Height: 1.20 m
  • Length: 9m (includes net, rods, ropes and anchors)
  • Color: Yellow, red, white
  • Professional goods


Good luck with your training!


Hergestellt für: Trainingsunterlagen24 GmbH
Geschäftsführer Daniel und Sascha Mathiebe
Ramstedter Str. 24
39326 Zielitz

Football tennis equipment - large

Modern football tennis facility for technical and ball control training

Item number 381

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