T-PRO Ball Reflector - Size: 40 x 40 cm
You receive an innovative T-PRO Ball Reflector which can be used in different training situations (e.g. goalkeeper and technique training). The reflector is hold with both hands and, thus, can be altered into different directions (with the two handles). It is constructed in a way that the ball thrown by the goal keeper gets bounced back to the goal according the training aim. Further the coach may bring the player to his technical limit. The reflector can be transported easily and fast. You receive modern training equipment with the sizes (W) 40 cm x (H) 40 cm. The reflector will be shipped completely as shown. Even professional teams do their training with our equipment!
Product characteristics:
- Size: 40 x 40 cm (W x H)
- Material: elastic plastic
- precise rebouncing thanks to handy design
- only about 3 kg (very handy)
- absolutely professional with perfect bouncing effect
Good practice!
Hergestellt für: Trainingsunterlagen24 GmbH
Geschäftsführer Daniel und Sascha Mathiebe
Ramstedter Str. 24
39326 Zielitz
T-PRO Ball Reflector - size: 40 x 40 cm
Reflector with 2 handles – Professional
Item number 2225