You get a high quality set of 5 workbooks B5 size (in book format). The workbooks are fully in German and feature 500 inside pages, packed with everything needed for the daily work of the football coach. As a bonus, when you purchase this set of 5 trainer workbooks, you will receive 5 quality metal ballpoint pens. Further coach equipment, as well as the single Football Year Planner, you can also purchase in our shop. Also professional football coaches work with our products. Content of coach workbook: - Year independent workbook - Calendar is footballseason adjusted - Many soccer-specific forms: Date or season planner for every training and match days, weekly and monthly planner, training planner (each training day can be planned apart), sufficient flexibility and top structure numerous performance lists/tables (for example for the training participation, presence, performance tests, goal scorers, reviews, neutral tables for your own ideas). Also includes result tables, game observation, and forms for the whole year.

Product Details:

  • Set of 5 workbooks for the football coach
  • containing 500 pages each,
  • Format: B5,
  • Sheet size: A5.
  • Completely in German.
  • Colour: Dark blue/white
  • including 5 quality ballpoint pens made of metal.
  • Professional goods.

You will receive a detailed invoice for every purchase!

Good luck with your training!



Hergestellt für: Trainingsunterlagen24 GmbH
Geschäftsführer Daniel und Sascha Mathiebe
Ramstedter Str. 24
39326 Zielitz

Soccer coaching logbook - set of 5 workbooks

5x Workbook for football coaches incl. 5 metal ballpoint pens

Item number 1722

EUR 53.90 *
Content 5 piece
Unit price EUR 10.78 / piece
available immediately
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